Hi there!
My name is Ariel Beverly, and I am a freelance artist and graphic designer, K-12 visual arts educator, arts education advocate, and the list could go on.
For a little background, I attended Illinois State University, majoring in Art Teacher Education with a focus in graphic design, ceramics, and painting. I also had the opportunity to study abroad in Sydney, Australia to learn about and observe the New South Wales method for visual arts curriculum development. I am currently an art teacher at the high school level where I primarily teach ceramics as well as coordinate the development and design of the annual 292 page yearbook. In addition to teaching, I spend much of my extra time as a freelance graphic designer and working on my own sculptural and functional ceramic artwork, also dabbling in watercolor and oil painting from time to time.
One of my claims to fame is earning the title of Miss Illinois 2019 (+2020 due to Covid-19), and representing Illinois at the Miss America 2020 competition. Taking time away from teaching, I focused my year of service on my chosen social impact initiative, #IncludeTheArts - Advocating for Arts Education. Some of my accomplishments include being the spokesperson for the Association of Illinois Rural and Small Schools - increasing their social media engagement by more than 971K, partnering with Blick Art Materials to provide several $1,000 art supply grants to schools in need, as well as lobbying for Congressional Resolution 275 to be brought to the local level - which prompted several Illinois mayors to declare a community focused annual "Arts in Education Day". I earned over $15,000 in scholarships by competing in the Miss America Organization, eliminating nearly all of my student loan debt.
Wrapping up with some interesting facts, I grew up in a family of skydivers! I am quite the extreme sport enthusiast! I am currently a recreational skydiver working toward my next level licensure, and hoping to one day be an instructor or demo jumper. I am also a rock climber and former rock climbing instructor, and have been SCUBA certified since I was 12 years old.